


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers

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Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers - Download

Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers

This new text on Fortran programming is intended for both first year Engineering students and practicing engineers. A controlled math level ensures that freshmen can handle almost all of the examples. Good programming practice summaries and Fortran statement summaries are found at the end of each chapter and are designed to make the book a handy reference for people actually working in the field.
I have written and maintained a lot of Fortran 77 code and a small amount of Fortran 90 code, so I was looking for a book that would include the changes in the language in Fortran 90, 95 and 2003, what they were for and how to use them. This book does a very good job of that.
I have been using this text to learn Fortran 90/95. I have used Matlab significantly and understand very minimal C++. I find this book very useful and informative. It outlines programing pitfalls and tips for good programming practices. The examples are very easy to follow and the index is very usable. I would say this is a good book if you are just learning Fortran. Another thing I like about it is the fact that it has a chapter discussing older Fortran practices and the new/ modified commands. I have been using that section a lot to update an old Fortran 77 program I have. Overall it was well worth the $60 or so that I paid. There may be other references that are available online for free, but I like that I can highlight and write in a text, so I prefer printed material to online material.
Very satisfied with this book and price was excellent compared to new at the book stores.
This book is great for the Fortran beginner to the frequent user looking for a nice reference guide. It teaches the basics without overwhelming with details, and then divulges into advanced detailed concepts in later chapters. In this way, it is as good an introduction as it is a reference guide.

The real benefit of this text is in its numerous examples, all relevant especially to the scientists. For every concept, there is an example of its usage. Examples even show pros or cons of ways in which one can write his code, leading to discussions on programming efficiency.

All in all, a great text.
As someone who first learnt programming using Fortran, and then spent many years in uni writing Fortran code, I guess it is encouraging to see books still come out about it. But the bulk of this book could have be written 10 or even 15 years earlier. Fortran changes so glacially, for one thing. (Though global warming might one day change the meaning of this phrase.)

Who wants or needs this book? Mostly someone assigned to maintain a large engineering or scientific code base in Fortran. Maintenance programming is necessary; someone has to do it. But if you have enough raw ability and interest in programming, try looking for a job that does not require this book.

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